Saturday, 27th July 16:59:02

HSE Policy



The founders of the ISS International SpA are firmly committed to provide all employees and professionals a concrete and quality program on Health, Safety, and the Environment.

The ISS International Group considers:

  • its employees as its main strategic resource and guarantees the respect of their rights and the protection of their security and to take all possible action to prevent accidents considering the training of personnel and prevention as the most effective tools for risk reduction;
  • their suppliers as partners to whom transfer its obligations under the voluntary standards and regulatory requirements relating to the environment and safety at work;

The requirements of health and safety are respected to all stakeholders, considering that ISS International Group is aimed at a particularly sensitive and attentive market to these issues.

With such premises the Management of the ISS International Group is considered directly involved in:

  • Conduct all business management services falling within its sector operating in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations aimed at protecting the environment and the health and safety of workers;
  • Continuously analyze the impacts that their activities have with the environment and safety in order to ensure every effort to define actions for prevention and continuous improvement through the use of technologies that reduce the risks and environmental and economic impacts;
  • Achieve the objectives of a general nature to ensure a continuous improvement of the HSE System, to define appropriate indicators to assess the degree of achievement and thus verify the adequacy of the policy to adapt it to any new requirements emerged.
  • Provide the necessary resources and constant monitoring of their adequacy level;
  • Ensure the high level of awareness of human resources through effective training programs.

The general objectives of the company policy are:

  • maintenance of certification of its management system according to the requirements of the Standards ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001;
  • gradual and steady development of its HSE System to the requirements of environmental and work safety;
  • continuous improvement of the involvement and participation of the staff to achieve the objectives of the company policy defined at various organizational levels;
  • provide adequate control of risks related to our activities for the health, safety and the environment;
  • supply and minimize the risks to health, safety and environmental impact;
  • focused efforts to prevent, minimize and reduce occupational diseases;
  • to consult our employees on matters that affect their health, safety and the environment;
  • Consider all the near miss as a stimulus for continuous improvement of the HSE system.

For the operational management of HSE System, Management has been appointed the Head of Quality, Environment and Safety, assigning the necessary authority in order to assist the Managers of the implementation, application, testing and constant improvement of the Integrated System in all activities.

With regard to the requirements of health and safety, the Head of the Integrated System works closely with the H&S Manager who has the skills and specific responsibilities under the existing provisions of the law on health and safety in the workplace.

As defined in this document should be construed as prescriptive for all those who work and / or collaborate with the ISS International Group and therefore the direction commends and supports the widest participation and involvement in order to ensure the effectiveness and continuous improvement of integrated system.

The management will do his best to ensure that the objectives are appropriate to the actual capacities, in agreement with the available technologies, with the logic of the market, and should not put into question the health and safety of workers, the protection of their rights and the environment.

Management is committed to review HSE Policy whenever it will be considered appropriate in order to adequate the Health, Safety Environment current conditions.

Safety and respect for the environment first.


Good work!

Giuseppe Bellantoni

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ISS International S.p.A.  VAT: 08137831007