Saturday, 27th July 07:21:03


Animp was founded in 1974 with the aim to establish a meeting point and dialogue between the universities and the companies operating in the Italian and international Plant sector. Animp is divided into several sections that discuss the topics of specialist interest. Animp and the sections organize Conferences, Seminars and Workshops about specific topics of interest. Of particular prestige are the training activities. The magazine "Impiantistica Italiana" is the official Animp organ. The companies that are now part of ANIMP constitute a very qualified sample of this broad industrial area that ranges from Main Contractor and supplier of Engineering Services arriving to the End User, to Suppliers of Equipment and Components, all the companies having in common the ordinary job of design and industrial plants construction, complex systems production and infrastructure.



By the decision n. G07751 of 01/06/2017 Regione Lazio has accredited ISS International SpA as a Professional Training Centre for Orientation, Ongoing Education and Advanced Learning. This implies that all the courses that will be provided by ISS International SpA Training Center will have an added value: regional recognition. Specifically, the accreditation to the Regione Lazio will allow the provision of training courses funded by the Region. In addition, the authorization of specific educational courses will enable the achievement of Certificates of Professional Qualification recognized by the Region. In addition, ISS International Spa is accredited by Regione Lazio with the code "1910 Safety in the Working Environment " giving validity and certification to all the offered courses according to law:

  • Art. 32 of Legislative Decree 81/08.,
  • Measure 26 January 2006 G.U. of 14/02/2006 n° 37 (Section 4, Art. 4.1.3. Any further subjects trainers who operating at national level [...])
  • Legislative Decree of 23 June 2003 n ° 195
  • Annex A of the State-Regions Conference of 18/02/2000 Title V of the L.R. 25 February 1992 N. 23



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