O&MTS - Operation and Maintenance Training Simulator
The OMTS is a suitable tool to build-up a training/learning environment, to foster a sound knowledge of the process and triggers-off, in the medium term, professional owners of the specific role.
It is a modular tool consisting of:
- IOP (Interactive Operating Procedures)
- IME (Interactive Maintenance Environment)
- IOMS (Interactive Organization and Management System)
- IPD (Interactive Process Documentation)
- Basic OTS (Basic Dynamic Training Simulator)
- Specific OTS ( Specific Dynamic Training Simulator)
- Training Environment
IOP (Interactive Operating Procedures)
It is a module that enables the trainee to follow the operating procedures both in a step-by-step description and in the simulation environment.
In the OMTS is possible to manage the operating procedures as a specific help module to perform start-up and shut-down manoeuvres.
All the sets of operating procedures will be implemented in an interactive environment.
With a simple mouse click it is possible to read and browse all the procedures linked to the specific equipment the trainee is interested in.
IME (Interactive Maintenance Environment)
It is a module that enables the trainee to have an easy and fast access to all technical data of each equipment through the process training simulator environment in interactive manner.
With a simple mouse click it is possible to read and browse all the maintenance documentation, such as maintenance parameters, mechanical drawings, maintenance management system, spare parts, linked to the specific equipment the trainee is interested in.
See also Maintenance Engineering Services.
IOMS (Interactive Organization and Management System)
It is a module that enables the trainee to follow the operating and management procedures both in a step-by-step description and in the simulation environment.
In the OMTS it is possible to manage the operating and management procedures as a specific help module to study “Who does What”. All the sets of the operating and management procedures will be implemented in an interactive environment.
With a simple mouse click it is possible to read and browse all the procedures.
IPD (Interactive Process Documentation)
An interactive P&ID’s browsing system will be provided