Saturday, 27th July 11:05:01

TMS- Training Management System


What it is
is a software tool, which supports the implementation of a project and is able to track and assess the competencies and skills. At the same time, TMS provides the opportunity to set-up and plan individual training paths and represents the core for capitalization of HRD Client’s experiences and events.

The e-learning method
The e-learning method, included in the TMS, is supplied through a multimedia platform, complete and advanced, which is engineed by the modular Central Processing Unit; this CPU has the peculiar feature to be updatable in accordance to the increase of the user’s training requirement.

The platform
The platform is based on specific modules for the different functions of the learning management system: a community module, to manage the virtual classes; an administration module, to manage the users; a courseware acquiring module, to insert the contents according to the SCORM standard; a scheduler module, to plan and supply personalised contents; a knowledge management and a virtual class module, to control in real time the audio and video services


The profile system
The “Profile system” generates a detailed career profile of the tested person, giving significant indications on the most adequate employment sectors in accordance to the individual attitudes and to the personal characteristics.

This description can be used to make a balance of the competences in order to:

  • plan careers;
  • make a selection;
  • do the right training by a deep GAP analisy

The “Profile system” is functional to outline people’s emotional intelligence and personal characteristics using as principal reference the Big Five theory (Extroversion /Initiative; Pleasantness; Consciousness; Emotional stability; Open mind/ Innovation).

The "intelligent engine" of the system produces automatically a relation of 4-5 pages that contains all the information for a careers’ profile: ability, characteristics, attitudes, level of accordance with the work required, a prevision of the working performance, flexibility, faithfulness, reliability, etc. The output obtained gives detailed information related to the working sectors that can be more adequate to the individual skills and competences.



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